Arepas Con Queso


  • 250 grams masarepa precooked corn flour
  • 80 grams shredded light cheese such as mozzarella, doble crema, or Queso añejo
  • 30 grams shredded or crumbled sharp cheese such as cheddar or feta
  • 300 mililiters warm water extra as needed (up to 400ML)
  • sliced light cheese such as mozzarella or doble crema
  • 20 g unsalted butter


  • n a medium to large mixing bowl, add the corn flour first, and then slowly add the water until you form a soft dough that sticks together and can be formed.
  • Let the flour sit about 5 minutes to fully absorb the water.
  • Add the shreded / crumbled cheeses and mix well. Test your dough and adjust if it is too dry or two wet (notes below)
  • Take handfulls of dough and form them into 1cm thick disks. Size is up to you. I like to make them small, around 3-4 inches in diameter.
  • Heat a large skillet over medium heat and melt the butter
  • Add the arepa disks and cook until lightly golden on each side, about 3-5 minutes.
  • Remove the arepas and carefully use a knife to split them down the middle length wise 3/4 of the way
  • Stuff the apreas with the slices of cheese. If they are too large, you can split the sices
  • Return the arepas to the pan cook until cheese is melted, flipping as necessary to avoid over-cooking the arepas
  • Enjoy!


If the dough crumbles when you try to handle it, it's too dry so slowly add more water until it stays togther.
If it's very sticky to your hands when handled, or appears soupy or like a porriage it is to wet, so add more flour.
Masarepa comes in a few differnt styles. The key is you have to used pre-cooked flour. Other than that which one you choose is up to taste.
Masarepa dulce (Sweet corn flour) is used more in Colombia while unsweetened flour is used in venezuela. They both go well with cheese, but you'll get a different flavor based on which one you use.
They also come in yellow or white varieties. This won't impact the way they're made, it's just a preference.